Monday, June 21, 2010

4 food for FLATTEN Abs

The four foods you’ll need for flatter abs will help you be healthier and leaner. Plus, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by some of our diet suggestions.

1. Orange Fruits and Veggies: According to a recent review from Copenhagen University Hospital, the best way to whittle down your waist is to replace carbohydrates from sugar and refined grains (like white bread) with carbs from fruits and vegetables. Orange-hued foods were found to be the most effective substitutes.

Since fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, they keep you feeling full longer and researchers believe the high levels of antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene fend off the belly fat. Get a good dose of beta-carotene from carrots, cantaloupe, squash and peaches. You can get your vitamin C from oranges and berries, but remember that fruit juice is not a good substitute for the real thing.

2. Lean Meats: You should be getting about 25 percent of your daily calories from protein, Ryan says, but you should make sure to choose lean sources like poultry, fish, low-fat yogurt, and fat-free milk to keep calories down. Nuts are also high in protein, but can also be high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Tracey recommends roughly a handful a day.

Protein helps to keep you feeling full and boost your energy, aiding in your weight-loss efforts. According to research from Skidmore College and Copenhagen University Hospital, eating additional protein is especially helpful for those over 40 in reducing abdominal fat.

3. Nuts: A recent survey of more than 8,000 Americans found that selenium, a cancer-fighting mineral, seemed to also lower rates of abdominal obesity, reporting that those with lower levels of selenium had larger waistlines.

Several foods contain selenium, so it’s hard to know if you’re getting your recommended 55 mcg per day. The best sources are nuts (especially Brazil nuts), whole grains, poultry, red meat and seafood. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts and seeds, will increase the effectiveness of selenium in the body. Your best bet to get enough selenium is to eat a varied, balanced diet or try a supplement containing the mineral.

4. Fish: There’s a difference between good and bad fats. Eating good fats like monounsaturated and omega-3s make it easier to stay slim, according to recent research.

“The healthy fats, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, are found in fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado, while the bad fats, like saturated and trans are found in butter, shortening, pre-packaged cakes and cookies,” Ryan says

A Wake Forest University study found that over a 6-year period, participants whose only source of fat was trans fats gained 30 percent more fat in their abdominal region and had early signs of diabetes. You don’t have to fear fats if you know which are good and bad.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

5 fast Beauty, Fashion Fixes

It’s always important to have the best-laid plans, especially when it comes to resolving a beauty crisis.

Whether you’re on your way to a get-together or getting ready to have dinner with the in-laws, disaster can strike at any given moment. But with the right preparation and an ounce of knowledge, you can escape with minimal damage.

Maybe you’re missing a button. Perhaps you cut yourself shaving. These small inconveniences don’t have to ruin your look. I have simple fixes that can be done in the nick of time with everyday items.

1. Shaving nicks: Moisten a dry tea bag with cold water and place on the cut to stop the bleeding.

2. Hair mousse: Use a small amount of shaving cream (not gel) in a fix.

3. Lint remover: Use sticky labels. They work better than skinny strips of tape.

4. Quick nail dryer: Coat wet nails with a spritz of nonstick cooking spray. The oil seals in the polish and provides a protective coating while your nails dry.

5. Missing button: You can fix a popped button by stripping off the paper of a storage bag tie and using the metal to thread the buttonhole. Twist it at the back to keep the button in place.

This is especially useful if you find yourself at a restaurant. Just discreetly ask the waiter for a bag tie and head to the restroom.

Diane is author of World’s Best-Kept Beauty Secrets and Diane Irons’ 14-Day Beauty Boot Camp: The Crash Course (both Sourcebooks). She’s appeared on national radio and TV, including Good Morning America, Sally Jesse Raphael, Maury Povich, Montel Williams, Lifetime Television, CNN, CNBC, and CBS This Morning.

source : Diane Irons (

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Losing Hair? Try These Foods That May Save Your Hair

Top 5 Foods That Can Help Save Your Hair 1. Fruits and Vegetables for Antioxidants Rich in antioxidants, various vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables (the more colorful the better) are a crucial part of your diet that supply the much-needed nutrients for hair growth. For example, Vitamin C is essential in the synthesis of collagen, which is the connective tissue that gives structure to hair. 2. Whole Grains for Insoluble Fiber Whole grain foods are great sources of insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is critical in fighting insulin resistance, which has been linked with male-pattern baldness in some studies. In addition, whole grain products are also a natural source of Vitamin B6 and are often fortified with folic acid, both of which are important in ensuring a good blood and oxygen supply to nourish your follicles and hair.

3. Dairy for Vitamin A Hair is mostly made up of the protein keratin, so it is no surprise that the protein from dairy products can help support hair growth. Most fluid milk is also enriched with Vitamin A, which helps prevent hair loss caused by Vitamin A deficiency. 4. Meat for Zinc

Not only are lean meats a source of high-quality protein, they also contain ample amoun ts of B vitamins, such as Vitamins B6 and B12 and biotin. More importantly, meats supply iron and zinc, which a re required to prevent hair loss associated with deficiencies in these minerals. 5. Water Last but not least, consuming sufficient (non-caffeinated) fluids will help with nutrient transportation, which keeps your hair hydrated and strong. Stay away from chemical-laden sodas. sumber : Healthcastledotcom